Excerpts from the Lars John Redberg Diaries of 1909 - 1912 of Life in South Tillamook County especially of Oretown, Oregon.

Edna Redberg very kindly excerpted these interesting portions of the Lars John Redberg Diaries and provided them to NVMS. Nestucca Valley Middle School students typed these excerpts during the fall of 2002 as part of their technology classes. Note that the complete diaries of Lars John Redberg spanning many years are in the Pioneer Museum in Tillamook, Oregon. They were donated by Erwin and Edna Redberg.

Typed and edited by Dean Bones as time ran out for students to finish the typing project.

Page 13 -  January 1909 - October 5, 1909

Jan. 31, 1911 - 14 of us working a greater part of the day finished the horse shed.

Feb. 7, 1911 - I went to the school house today with the other 2 directors to help the teacher correct some of the bad boys.

Feb. 10, 1911 - Mr. J.H. Dunstan of Pacific City surveyed for Mr. Porter yesterday. He has surveyed the ground for the new Church.

Feb 12, 1911- Wind very bad and rain. Damage was done. It overturned Mr. Berger's buggy. At times I heard big timber falling.

Feb. 14, 1911 - Attended dance at Meda Hall. Home at 5 in the morning. Heard this evening that "Oshkosh" sunk on the Columbia Bar.

Feb 24, 1911 - Attended a Basket Social at the Grange Hall this evening. Sale of baskets $73.70.

Feb 28, 1911 - Ole & Mr. Carver are laying water pipe for Father & Mother.

Mar. 3, 1911 - Ole & Irve were building a flue in Ole's house today.

Mar. 7, 1911 -Mr. Porter, Ole and I started our road work on the Rock Road today. We cut a 5' tree down and blasted the stump out. It took 71 sticks of powder.

Mar. 8, 1911 - Mr. Wilson & Irve Smith helped on the road today. John Whiteman works in my place when I can't.

Mar. 14, 1911- I sold 1 1/2 tons of hay to Mr. Franklin at $11.00 per ton. Ole went to Cloverdale today and brought a big road Crowder back to use on the new road.

Mar. 20, 1911 - John Whiteman is still working in my place on the new road. They are on Rocky Point now. Lots of dynamite blasting & grading. Whiteman going to work at cannery.

Mar. 22, 1911 - Smith is buying Weiss's gray team. He has been awarded the contract to hall the cheese from the Meda factory to Tilamook this year.

Mar. 27, 1911 - Clinton Miles taking my place on the road work today. They blasted and graded. School out March 29 - finishes a 6 mos. term.

Continue to page 14, Redberg Diaries, January 2, 1910 - April 8, 1910

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